Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The Name Game

After much deliberation, Tim and I have finally agreed upon a name for our new little girl.

Jade Marie Casey

Jade was the only name that we both liked equally. Marie is a family name on Tim's side of the family. I think Marie is a very pretty feminine name as well.
Finally, I get to quit looking through all of those dang baby name books and websites! :0) It is hard to pick out a third girl's name. I was getting frustrated.
At least now we are very happy with our choice.

I am now 25 weeks! Only 14 more weeks to go. It is going by way too fast. We have been talking about building on another room to our house. One good thing about her being a girl is that we don't have to rush and start building. The girls can share a room for a little while. Although, Hannah has been complaining that she wants her own room lately. Maybe we can have another room within the next couple of years. :0)

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

It's A Girl!

Finally, today I went and had a sonogram done. We found out that we are having another girl. I couldn't belive it! Lily was right all along. I didn't have one of those fancy new 4-d ultrasounds done, but I did get some pictures. Here is what I thought was the best one:
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You can see her little profile and her arm and hand above her face. Anyone have any name suggestions?

Forgive me if there is typos in this post because I can barely see the screen because of my pink eye.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Wits End

Oh my goodness! I rescheduled my sonogram for yesterday at 9am, right? Well, Tim took off to go and we took the girls with us to find out what the baby is, only to find out that the sonogram lady did not show up! They even made me wait an hour before telling me! I had to wait over there for two hours just for a measurement and to listen to the heartbeat as usual. It is ridiculous. They knew she was not there when I showed up. They could have told me when I walked in so that I could reschedule, yet again. Oh, I was so mad that I was in tears when I left. Anyway, I rescheduled the sonogram for next Tuesday at 2pm. That way, if she doesn't show up they will have plenty of time to call me and Tim won't have to miss very much work. Oh I am so fed up with this mess. I wish I had my old doctor. they never canceled my appointments, much less at the last minute. Anyway, I'm finally gaining some weight. According to the doctors scales I gained 3lbs. in the last month. I have a feeling that this baby is bigger than what the average is at 23 weeks. My height of fundus is larger and the kicks are so strong that they hurt. If it is not bigger then it is definitely stronger than my other two when they were in the womb. Oh, and it kicks when it hears noises also. Hannah was just a singing really loud yesterday and every time it she got to certain part in the song I felt a kick. LOL It was funny. Hannah said he must not like it and started singing louder. LOL She is calling it a He even though we do not know yet. She is determined it is a boy and Lily is determined it is a girl. They argue all the time about it. I thought I was going to settle that argument for sure this week, but I guess it will have to go on for another week. :)