Thursday, May 17, 2007


My appointment yesterday went well. I finally got to hear the heartbeat. It sounded a lot slower than I remember Hannah or Lily's sounding. Doesn't that mean it's a boy? ;0) I don't get to really find out what it is until July. My doctor told me that I would have a Sonogram the appointment after next. The next appointment I have to check my blood sugar levels yet again. At least he is keeping an eye on them. I don't think I am going to have a problem this time because sugar is one of my food aversions I have right now. He also gave me a prescription for Darvocet for the horrible headaches I have been having. H said they sounded like they were migraines, but I can't take migraine meds while I'm pregnant. At least now maybe I will have some relief when they get so incredibly bad that I feel like I want to go to the hospital. I feel movement more and more now and it is getting stronger. I can't wait until I find out what it is! Mainly because that is exactly what everyone asks when they see me. LOL

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