Saturday, September 29, 2007

Only 36 Days To Go

My ticker today says that I have only 36 more days to go. Wow. I am seriously running out of time. I have something to do pretty much every day during the month of October. I have never been so busy in my life. Dance Classes, Field Trips, Play Dates, Doctor's Visits, Tests, and so on fill my life up with no time to spare. The girls' school takes most of the day and then we have to make time for everything else. When do I study and do my work, you say. Well, I never get any sleep. Somethings got to give. I can't find time to get everything ready for Jade's arrival. I'm going to feel bad next month when the girls have to miss out on a field trip and activities because of the couple of the few weeks of maternity leave that I will allow myself. I need a nanny. LOL I can't imagine having all the time to myself if I sent them to PS. My, my what would I do. That will never happen though. :) I love being with them and doing all these things. I'm just nervous about the third one. I don't know how I'm going to handle it, but I know I will be able to. And to anyone who thinks all we do is just sit at home and do nothing can think again. It takes a lot of work and responsibility to home school your children.

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