Tuesday, January 10, 2012

First Prenatal Appointment

Appointment went great!  I was a little nervous at first but it went well.  I was not expecting to have a sonogram on the first visit!  Baby was squirming all around and holding its little hands up by its face.  The sonographer asked if I wanted to know the sex of the baby if she could tell and I was like, "Yeah, of course!"  I didn't think that they could tell that early but she said that sometimes at 13 weeks she can tell.  I measured 12 weeks 2 days, just as I had calculated from my ovulation date, so she was not able to tell.  I thought that the doc would change my due date that they had set from the first day of my last period to reflect the sonogram's measurements but she didn't.  It is still July 15th.
My new doctor seems very thorough and super nice.  That is such a relief!  I get to go to the hospital I like and I have a good doctor!  They didn't do any blood work this time or examination.  Just a sonogram and consultation.  The fun stuff comes next visit, Pap-smear and blood drawing.  Yuck!  Anyway, I'm happy with my doctor and my fatigue/headaches are starting to subside.  Makes since now that I'm really 12 weeks.  I shouldn't second guess myself.  I know when it happened.  My true due date is July 22nd.  :)  Oh, and baby's heart rate was 156.

From "As your baby grows" American Baby

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